3rd Annual Pickle Fest Pickling Contest
September 25th, 2016 from Noon – 5 PM at the Historic Riverdale School
Pickling Categories
Cucumbers (Slide or Whole)
Non-Cucumbers (Fruit or Veggie)
Wild (Wildest Creations)
1st Place – $100 Gift Card
2nd Place – $50 Gift Card
3rd Place – $25 Gift Card
Peoples’ Choice Award – $25 Gift Card to Area Restaurant
Early submission fee is $5 per category. Submissions after September 18 are $10 per category entry.
Entries Will Be Evaluated On:
- Appearance
- Recipe
- Taste
- Texture
The Golden Rules
- The pickled or fermented entry must be prepared by the contestant submitting it to be judged.
- Contestants may enter ONE submission per category.
- Locally grown products are encouraged. ABSOLUTELY NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS!
Contestants must submit:
- Two jars per chosen category (one for display and one for tasing) with adhesive label stating product name and ingredients.
- A typed or printed recipe for each entry.*
*DO NOT include your name on the jar or recipe submissions.
General Information
Each contestant will receive a 1ft x 1ft display area to decorate for the People’s Choice Award. Contestants may set up early on September 24th from 10 AM – Noon or may set up on the morning of the festival from 11-11:45 AM. All submissions and displays must be completed by 11:45 AM on September 25th.