FBPA Newsletter

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Next FBPA Float Trip August 24

FBPA hosted a float on the French Broad River on June 15 with 35 people, one beagle, and a video crew filming for a Legacy Parks documentary about the French Broad River. You can join us for the next float on Saturday, Aug. 24 at 9 am for coffee and treats at Seven Islands State Birding Park boat launch.  If you don’t have a kayak or canoe, you can reserve one with River Sports Outfitters which now has boats at the launch. Contact: riversportsoutfitters.com


Kiosk at Cruze Landing Underway

FBPA volunteers Mark Crockett, Ben Epperson, Billy Freeman, and Wayne Whitehead have been coordinating the construction of the information kiosk at Cruze Landing.  Signage and an information board should be completed soon. FBPA matched funds for the project with a grant from Patagonia ( Thanks to Ed McAlister at River Sports Outfitters.)


French Broad Driving Tour Now On Visit Knoxville Website

FBPA members assisted in providing information for the driving tour that showcases historic buildings and the beauty of the French Broad Corridor. Check it out!



FBPA Continues Monthly Monitoring  of  Knoxville-Knox County Planning & Knox County Commission Agendas

Special thanks to Diette Crockett and Laura Cole for watching for agenda items in District 7 & 8 that may affect the French Broad River Corridor.


Download the July 2019 Newsletter here.